Wednesday, October 23, 2019

10th Annual Broke & Bookish Santa Will be At That Artsy Reader Girl

Hi everyone! Jana here! I'm excited to announce that I will be hosting the 10th Annual Broke & Bookish Secret Santa over at my personal blog, That Artsy Reader Girl, this year. For the last few years, Jamie and I have done this together but she has stepped away for personal reasons and I'll be hosting by myself. Please make your way over to my blog to read about the event and learn how to sign up!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

9th Annual Broke & Bookish Secret Santa

Well hello! We've missed you dearly since shutting down the blog but Jana and I (Jamie) have been excited to come back together to host Secret Santa because it really has become such a staple event in the online book world.


So, I guess I'll just get to what you reaaaaally care about -- signups! But before we get started, three things:

1. Please only sign up if you are truly interested and are committed to sending off a package (on time). No seriously, stop and think before you sign up. Can you commit to this? Will you have time and money for it? We have only had a few problems each year (and some got resolved) but we'd like to not have to spend my time chasing people down -- seriously.  It's a bummer for the person who doesn't get a package and a bummer for us to have to hunt you down for months after. And guess don't get to sit with us anymore. We  keep track of that stuff and no Secret Santa cheer for you if you are Naughty Santa.

2. In all the years past (besides last year because I had a 3 month old), we've always gotten all pairings done within 48 hours - that's not going to happen because TODDLERS DON'T ALLOW FOR THAT haha.  SO this year....please be patient...the pairings will likely trickle out in a few days, with the help of Jana again this year, rather than the marathon session I normally do. I hope you can understand! Also, please be gentle if it takes me a little bit to answer emails. BE THOROUGH IN YOUR QUESTIONNAIRE so we don't have a ton of people emailing us asking specific questions to be relayed. We probably will not have much time to go back and forth to ask about specific likes and dislikes as we did in the past (unless it's really important). Please utilize the hashtag to ask questions in hopes your person answers or use their person of contact. 

3. A word for people outside of the US/Canada who want to participate: if you are outside of US and Canada just know we can't guarantee that you will get somewhere even remotely close to you. We try to work it geographically for you (and we work realllyy hard at it) but it all depends on who signs up and where they are from. That said we typically have a decent number of signups from England and Australia and a bunch in Europe. The past two years, as a courtesy, I made a note on this post, that I updated daily, wherein I listed the countries of people who had signed up so you would know where you could potentially send to. So, just be aware, if you sign up and are outside of the US/Canada...We will try my best to pair you with someone close-ish for shipping...but no guarantees. Last year we had some people not realize how much shipping costs would be, so if you are unsure, do a quick check with the countries that I list to see how much it might be.

Countries outside of US/Canada/UK that people have signed up from so far:

4. We're capping it at 400 participants this year because we honestly can't commit to doing more than that!

Things You Need To Do

1. Send an email to TBTBSecretSanta (at) gmail (dot) com answering the following questions BEFORE November 13th  with the answers to the following questions: 

*BEFORE November 13th means by 11:59pm EST on the 12th though if they slip in the wee hours of the morning while we're sleeping that's okay but please don't yell at us when you are past the deadline any later. 

  1. Full Name & Address
  2. Blog URL/Twitter username/Youtube channel/Instagram username/ (any social media that will be helpful for your person to get to know you) YOU MUST BE ACTIVE ON ONE PLATFORM.
  3. List 10-15 books you'd like to read or a link to a wishlist (please mix it up with older and new releases -- aka maybe things that aren't just available in hardcover right now). DO NOT ASK FOR ARCS please. If your SS wants to throw some in there because they saw it on your Goodreads wishlist or something that's fine but once we had someone ask for mostly ARCs and not everyone has access to an ARC fairy. Also, make sure your Goodreads profile or Amazon wishlist is public at least for the time this runs. Double check that your links work if you are viewing them LOGGED OUT.
  4. Genres you read the most:
  5. List of your bookish preferences (a few fave authors,  things you WILL NOT READ, does not prefer used books, prefer hardback or paperback, if you are okay with them not getting you something on your wishlist if they think you will like it etc.)
  6. Please give a few things you like or things about yourself (to help with your goodie). See below for examples in the guidelines.
    * Suggestions for things to add that could be helpful to tell your Secret Santa for the little gift: general info about yourself, if you celebrate Christmas, hobbies you have, your passions, music you love, things you will not eat/are allergic to,  smells or flavors you do not like, shows you watch/favorite movies, things you collect, any fandoms you are part of, if would love something native to where your Secret Santa lives, coffee/tea you like, favorite colors, foods you love, your style/aesthetic, favorite animals, things you are obsessed with, etc. etc. Also maybe if you have an e-reader and would be willing to get ebooks or a gift card.  Just really anything relevant to your interests that could help them.
  7. Would you be able to send internationally if needed? Please answer with:

    A. Yes, I can.
    B. No, I cannot.
    C. Would prefer not to but will if needed

    (if you are outside of US and Canada just know I can't guarantee that you will get somewhere even remotely close to you. I try to work it geographically for you but it all depends on who signs up and where they are from. You can check in here where I will be updating this post to see which countries are represented if you are unsure. 
  8.  Are you:
    a) Under 18
    b) Over 18
  9. Have you participated in this Secret Santa before or is this your first time?
  10. Please choose what "level" of package you will be sending out ( I will be pairing people with similar answers so please understand by choosing an answer I'm expecting that to be what you send out ):
    a) 1 book and a small gift
    b) 1-2 books and a couple goodies
    c) 2+ books and goodies
  11. Is there somebody that your Secret Santa could contact if they have a question for you? Please ask that person before you put their twitter handle or email address here. I get a LOT of emails to me trying to figure out specific things (ie: what's their favorite color? What GoT character is their fave? Do they have this Funko pop?) to make a great package for their Secret Santa so this might be a little less work for me to be the middleman going back and forth and asking the questions and supplying the answers.
  12. Any questions, comments or additional things your Secret Santa should know?

2. When you receive your Secret Santa match: go play Santa and buy your prezzies -- please read the guidelines below. Send it out no later than December 17th (perhaps earlier if you are sending internationally). The earlier the better as the mail is always slow during the holiday season.  IF SOMETHING COMES UP PLEASE EMAIL US. Communication is super important for us.

3. After you send off your package, please email TBTBSecretSanta (at) gmail (dot) com letting us know you sent it off WITH DELIVERY CONFIRMATION/TRACKING). Email us again when you receive your package. (Unless there are questions, we will not be responding to these emails due to time but will filing them away). If you have not received your package by January 3rd please then email us and we will attempt to contact your Secret Santa. Please understand we will try our damndest to work it out but there is only so much we can do in the event someone decides to be naughty. Karma is a biotch though..maybe they'll get their toes run over by Santa's sleigh.

4. FOR EXTRA FUN: We will use the hashtag #TBTBSanta again on Twitter & Instagram for this event! We'd love to hear and see through pictures and tweets your entire process -- maybe a sneak peek of your Secret Santa skills in action (a picture of something you are sending, the wrapped picture, the box) and we'd LOVE to see your goodies as you get them!


1. Books can be new or used. Use your discretion as far as used books go but please be kind and don't send something you wouldn't want to receive. They should be in VERY good condition -- like you can't even tell if it was read.

2. When we say "goodies" we do not mean free swag or promotional items. If you want to add that kind of stuff in AFTER you also put in some thoughtful and kind goodies that you thought your person would love...We're all about that! But when it says books + goodies...the goodies should not JUST be stuff anyone could have picked up at a convention or something.

3. Be thoughtful: 99% of the time the gifts are really sweet and thoughtful and what you would expect but occasionally someone just throws random crap in a box and ships it off to fulfill their end. Don't be that guy. Gifts should be wrapped and there should absolutely be some sort of note in it. Please do not ship directly from Amazon or elsewhere to them (unless you talk to us the past there have been issues that we totally understand where this needed to be the case).

* If you aren't sure what kinds of things to add for goodies peruse the #TBTBsanta thread on Twitter or Instagram to see pictures of packages from last year. Lots of good ideas that will probably help you!

 * If you are from outside the US or Canada, be aware that you might have to send internationally due to the fact that there are significantly more US participants and I may not be able to pair you up with someone closer.

* Be sure to thank your Secret Santa when you receive your package via social media or reach out to me for their email!

* Feel free to grab the button to put on your sidebar or make your own!

Please ask any questions in the comments!!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

All Good Things Come To An End

Hey all! Jamie here! It's that officially turn the page on The Broke and the Bookish after 8 awesome years.

-As a reminder, Top Ten Tuesday is NOT's going to move over to fellow TB&TB contributor Jana's blog so definitely check that out! It's been a JOY doing Top Ten Tuesday with you guys every week for all these years. Thank you for making it such a fun part of this community! I've gotten questions about what will happen about Secret is likely that Jana and I will come back to bring it back for next year...I mean, we are still part of the community and it's such a fun event that it would be just wrong for it not be back!

Now a couple of words from myself and the other ladies....along with where you can find us around the Internet!

Jamie says...

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little teary thinking about The Broke and the Bookish coming to an end. I started this blog on a whim when I saw that book blogs were a thing and asked a few of my friends in the Goodreads College Students group that I ran if they wanted to start a book blog with me! They were enthusiastic and we spent months planning before we launched in June of 2010. This decision changed my life. I can't even BEGIN to tell you all the ways it did because this post would be ridiculously long but it was the best decision I made in my young adult life. I met some of my best friends and I really found myself in my 20's through this community and writing on my own blog in addition to this blog with these AMAZING ladies. I think about that 23/24 year old girl that started this blog and now I'm like WOW...I'm 32 now, am married, have an almost 6 month old. How life has changed! I'm grateful that I've had these ladies to share this journey with!

Where to find me: 

The Perpetual Page-Turner: In addition to blogging here, I've been blogging at my own blog, The Perpetual Page-Turner, for the past 8 years and will be continuing that. It's evolved from a book blog to more of a lifestyle blog that's heavy on the books (because that's who I am) and I'd love you to come visit me over there and stay in touch!! (Apparently people didn't know I had another blog?? I guess I'm not good at promoting myself lol)

Twitter -- I will still be tweeting @brokeandbookish as I always have (though I might change the handle hard to decide..I've become rather attached to it).

Instagram:  or my personal Insta which is mostly pictures of Riley and my dog, Finn is


Jana says...

I've loved writing with the ladies of The Broke and the Bookish these last 8 years! I didn't even know book blogging was a thing until Jamie posed the idea to a bunch of us college students, and we jumped into this amazing project that turned into something so much bigger than I think any of us imagined. The Broke and the Bookish helped me find my love of reading again, discover genres I never thought I'd read (sci-fi and fantasy, what!?), and make lifelong friends. It made me start up my own blog, and I even went to grad school to get a degree in library science because book blogging made me realize how much I love the world of literature. Recommending books to people brings me so much joy. I never would have known any of this about myself, nor would I have made such life-changing decisions had I not thrown myself into the bookish community.

Where to find me:

That Artsy Reader Girl: Not everyone knows that Jana of TB&TB and Jana of TARG are one and the same person. lol. I started my own book blog about 7 years ago. I write lots of book reviews and put on fun events (sometimes with friends). It's also home of the Debut Author Challenge. I hope you'll come chat books me with there! 

Twitter: I'm @ArtsyReaderGirl, and I'm always up for late night silliness, book chats, fangirling, cat pictures, and commiserating!

Instagram: I love posting pics of books, weather, food, and crazy life things. 

Goodreads: Here lies the longest TBR and most detailed list of shelves in the world. If I ever disappear online, someone please come look at my Goodreads and see if they all fell on me.

Lauren says...

I knew I’d love blogging with these ladies long before I jumped in... back when we were all young hoodlums (ok, maybe just me) in the College Students Goodreads group. TB&TB has given me an amazing outlet to chuck all my book love into, as well as a place to find new bookish friends. I've LOVED reading comments and finding I'm not alone when it comes to the emotional rollercoaster books tend to take me on. Readers of any written word will always have a special place in this world and I'm just happy to be one of them. It's bittersweet to say goodbye, but I'm still here, as are all the lovely TB&TB ladies. If you can't find me, I'll probably be in a corner somewhere, sniffing a book. 

If I'm not napping or watching Netflix, you can probably find me online somewhere...

For hilarious pictures of my wiener dog, you can add me on Snapchat (tattooedbiblio). For more dog pictures with a sprinkle of family and books, I recommend my Instagram. For all things bookish, my Goodreads is a safe bet. And lastly, for deadpan jokes and sarcastic memes, Facebook is where it's at.

Daisy says...

I can't even begin to describe how much this blog and blogging in general has meant to me over the years! And I'm feeling pretty nostalgic and sad to see The Broke and the Bookish end, but I have to admit that it's time. I've loved being a part of this group of wonderful ladies and sharing so much with each other. When we started this I was doing my internships and now I'm a GP, married and have daughter who's almost 10 months old. CRAZY. 

Without Jamie deciding to start this I probably wouldn't have found my way into the blogging world and I'm so thankful for that! I've connected with amazing people and am part of a book club now that meets up monthly (can't imagine not having these girls in my life anymore!) and though I'm not as active in the community as I used to be, I'm very thankful for each and everyone of you that I've gotten to know over the years!

Where to find me:
Twitter | Instagram | My personal blog (that hasn't been updated in almost a year, but maybe soonish)

Julia says...

My heart hurts thinking about the end of The Broke and the Bookish. I fondly remember 8 years ago talking to everyone to figure out a name, direction, the About Me page, coding the first site… We launched the first review the day I started my first job out of college. This blog, these ladies and all you were so instrumental in keeping me sane during those crazy years of travel and figuring out adulthood. I will always cherish the time we had here – all the good reviews, all the amazing recommendations, all of the ways to read out of my comfort zone. I love you guys and I loved this. Now onto the next big adventure, once I figure out what it is. If I do anything else, I'll make sure to let Twitter and Instagram know :)

Where to find me:
Goodreads | Twitter | Instagram 

Lori says...

It has been an absolute pleasure to contribute to this blog over the years. I have met a lot of wonderful people that I call friends through book blogging. I have had great conversations about books and life with people far and wide. My TBR has grown at an exponential rate and my bookshelves overfloweth. It's been fun to see everyone transition from carefree college student through our late 20s and into our 30s. This blog and the connections I've made here have been a great comfort in the storms of my late 20s when I just didn't know which way was up. I am sad to see this blog shut down, but I can't wait to see what everyone takes on next.

Where to find me:

An Irreverent Escapade: I'm reviving my personal blog. I've missed having a space to go write about whatever. Look for posts about books, cooking, yoga, clothes, and life--basically, whatever I feel like tackling on a given day.

Twitter: CoffeeGirl217

Instagram: LLindsey217

Kimberly says...

In the time since we started The Broke and the Bookish I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree, got married, adopted a dog, and had a baby. The one constant? This blog and these incredible ladies. We were just a group of college students who wanted to talk about what we loved, who knew it would be such a big part of our lives? Because of this blog I have formed friendships, discovered amazing books, and found the community that has helped me become a better person.  I’m sad to see an end to an era, but excited to see what comes next.

Please come find me on any of these sites! 

Bridget says...

Joining up with TBTB was one of the best things I ever did during my blogging life! It was such a pleasure working with these ladies. I’ve fallen off the blogging train in the past couple years, but it’s been so lovely having this great group of women to talk books with. I so appreciate all the readers for helping make this blog what it is. Thanks, TBTB, for giving me so many fun years ♥️

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Ten Books We Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn't Get To

For future TTT topics, click here.

Starting next week, January 16th, Top Ten Tuesday will be moved to Jana's blog, That Artsy Reader Girl. Jana has the schedule of future topics up through May! 

This week we're talking about the books we'd planned on reading in 2017 but never got to for one reason or another. But it's a new year and we've still got all the days to read them! 

Jana's Picks:

1. The rest of the Harry Potter series. I've only read book #1, but am on Chamber of Secrets right now!

2. Charing Cross Road 84 by Helene Hanff - It sounds so sweet, and my book club read this this year but I got really sick and didn't get a chance to read it in time for the meeting. Has anyone read this one?

3. All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda - I've heard great things, and I love mysteries like this one!

Lori's Picks:

4. The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead - I know it's a 2016 release, but I meant to get to it in 2017 too and just didn't. I started it, but then for whatever dumb reason--probably got busy with school--I put it down. It's definitely on tap for this year. Promise!

5. Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng - I got this for my Book of the Month pick and just didn't get to it. Everyone I've seen who's read it has loved it. Definitely need to pick up this year.

6. Goodbye, Vitamin by Rachel Khong - This was another BOTM pick that I've heard so many great things about and that I just didn't get to. It's not a terribly long read and the character should be somewhat relatable since we're around the same age...

Daisy's Picks:

7. Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas - though I'm a bit less excited about this installment, it's still [art of one of my favourite series and I really need to read this.

8. The Fallen Kingdom by Elizabeth May - I'm DYING to know how it ends, really want to re-read the first two books though.

Julia's Picks:

9. The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage by Philip Pullman - I totally meant to not only read this, but reread the entire His Dark Materials series 

10. Literally all the books... by all the authors - I think 2017 was the least that I have read in years. Like maybe even under 20 books. I am too afraid to count...

Which books are you making a priority for 2018? 

To join, link up below with the URL to your blog POST (not your blog), your name and your email (which will remain hidden). Then bounce around the Linky!
 Cate @ ShelfPickings   Miranda @ A Real Writer's Life   Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl  
 Sim @ Flipping Through the Pages   Jessica @ A Cocoon of Books   Judith @Chaininteraction  
 Sarah E. @ Rocky Top Real Talk   Lisa @ Captivated Reader   ML's Red House Reviews  
 Louise @ Foxes & Fairy Tales   Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies   Stacy's Books  
 dictura @ dictura reads   Analee @ Book Snacks   Adriana @ Reading Fictional  
 Amy @ Read What I Like   Sarah @ SWB   Heather @ Feminism in Cold Storage  
 Jennifer @ Book Den   Libby   ERICKA @ A Quiet Girl's Musings...  
 Chrystal @ Snowdrop Dreams   Brittani @ Hope, Faith & Books   Dani @ Perspective of a Writer  
 Jessica @ a GREAT read   ThoughtStudent @ read.write.recollect   Michelle @ Life Among the Pages  
 Sea @ Sea Reads   Kathy @ My Nook Books and More   Miriam @ Space Station Mir  
 Linda @ Three Good Rats   Barb (boxermommyreads) @ Booker T's Farm   Jolien (The Fictional Reader)  
 Bev Baird   Lori @ Palmer's Page Turners   Ericka  
 imyril @ there's always room for one more (X+1)   Kelly @ Kelly's Rambles   Emma @ Reading Through the Night  
 Nishita’s Rants and Raves   Stephie @ nobody knows   Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken  
 Jess @ Jessticulates   Melissa @ Double-Stacked Bookshelves   Ashley @ What She’s Read  
 Lenoreo & Curly Carla @Celebrity Readers   Anna - Bokbabblaren   Maren @ The Worn Bookmark  
 Tash @ Thoughts by Tash   Cathy @What Cathy Read Next   Amber @ The Literary Phoenix  
 Holly @ The Fox's Hideaway   Anna @ Reader and Proud   Kristen @ The Book Life  
 Sionna @ Books In Her Eyes   Abigail Pearson   Elena @ The Novelistics  
 Sonia @ Generación Papel   Lena @ The Printed Girl   Carrie @ Reading Is My SuperPower  
 Katie @Just Another Girl and Her Books   Marie @ Pages to Explore   Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog  
 Andi@Radiant Light   April @ Between the Pages   Greg @ Book Haven  
 Rissi @ Finding Wonderland   Priscilla @ Evening Reader   Leslie H.  
 Andrea Lane   Shanu @ anerdyaffair   JAH @ Books Beyond Measure  
 Nicole @ Boundless Bookaholic   Jaime @ Books and Waffles   Jenni Elyse @ Jenni Elyse  
 Zeee @ I Heart Romance & YA   Jo@bookloversblog   Tina @ As Told By Tina  
 Louise@louiselovesbooks   Amy @ Curiouser and Curiouser   Ella @ Ell's Bookshelf  
 Chelsea @ romweasley   Rachelle @ Shell's Stories   the Story Enthusiast  
 Wendy @ Book Scents   Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Books   Ana @MarkingDaPage  
 Nessa @ October Tune   Sara @ A Gingerly Review   Sarah @ Exploring All Genres  
 Crystal @ Ponderings of a Poet & Procrastinator   Maraia & Sebastian   Lois @ My Midnight Musing  
 Jenna @ Falling Letters   Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight   Quinn's Book Nook  
 Maggie @ Maggie Reads YA   Hannah @ Broc's Bookcase   Emma @ Awkwordly Emma  
 Faith   Juie @ Keep Calm with Books and Coffee   Jennifer @ A Librarian's Library  
 Amber @ Step Into A Book World   Jade @ BookMuffin   Cori's Mini Reviews  
 Lisa Loves Literature   Katie @ Fiction Aficionado   Bluestocking Bookworm  
 Bridget @ Bridget & Books   There will be books   Lori @ An Irreverent Escapade  
 Sam@WLABB   Lakshmi @ Batgirl Writes   Heather @ The Sassy Book Geek  
 Michelle @ SiderealDay   Kristin @ Lukten av trykksverte   The Clever Reader  
 FantasyRaiders   Brittany @ Beauty and the Bean Boots   Jennifer @ YA Book Nerd  
 Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know   Jamie @ Vailia's Page Turner   Isabelle @ The Book Dutchesses  
 Jaime & Erin @ Fic Fare   Ashley @ BookishRealmReviews   Elise @ the common place  
 Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard   Becky @ Christian Chick's Thoughts   Jessica @ NOVELcravings  
 Henna @ Howling for Books   Ashley @ Socially Awkward Bookworm   Liz @ Travel in Retrospect  
 Eli @ Eli to the nth   Angela @ Literary Wanderer   Icebreaker  
 Beckie@ByTheBook   Anne@HeadFullofBooks   Jessie @ Dwell in Possibility  
 Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse   Tiffany @ I Was Angelized_1st   Suzanne @ The Bookish Libra  
 Alison @Hardcovers & Heroines   Heather's Reading Hideaway   Savannah@ReadingBifrost  
 Flavia @ Flavia the Bibliophile   Ashley @The Rustic Reading Gal   Marie @ Book-Chatter  
 Annette K. @ AKBookworm   Lauren @ Always Me   Lynnsbooks  
 Angel Erin's Book Obsession   Julia @ Owls Reads   Tanya @ Girl Plus Books  
 Melissa's Bookworld   Crafty Scribbles@ Rhapsody in Hue   Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination  
 Ivyclad Ideas   Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy   Beth @ Reading Every Night  
 Ellen @ The Canon   Librarium Dream   Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog  
 Deb Nance at Readerbuzz   Carolyn @ My Scribbler's Heart   Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!  
 Gabby @ 500 Books   Monica   Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads  
 Ashley @ Down The Book Hole   Jeanna @ The Bucket List   Kaeley @ Spoilers May Apply  
 sprite @ Sprite Writes   Ellie @ On the Other Side of Reality   Laura @ That Librarian Lady  
 Kristi @ Hidden Staircase   islandgeekgirl @ Overflowing Bookshelves   Marisa @ ghostgrrrl reads  
 Julia @ Vivacious Reads   Stephen @ This Week at the Library   Sara @ Forever 17 Books  
 charlottebibliophile   Mandy @ The Reading Diaries   Lee @ Rally the Readers  
 Trisha @ trishajennreads   Chrissi Reads   Jess @ A Book Addict's Bookshelves  
 Shanese @ The Bo0ki3   herding cats   LiteraryFeline@Musings of a Bookish Kitty  
 Girl with her Head in a Book   Rachel Albert   Helia @ Rose Quartz Reads  
 Angie@El Rincón de Mangieto   Shayna @ Clockwork Bibliotheca   Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits  
 Angel @Angel Reads   Amanda Holmes   Liza @ Quite the Novel Idea  
 Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library   Darlene @ Darlene's Book Nook   Abbi@Christian Novels  
 Aj @ Read All The Things!   Long and Short Reviews YA   Utopia State of Mind  
 Emily + Tanaya   Tina @ Reading Between the Pages   Calye @ Author Insights  
 Hanna Reads   Literary Lindsey   Pages and Tea  
 Ambi@ Scaredy Engines End of Line Library   Kayla @ Bookish Whispers   JoBeth @ Blue Binding  
 Megan @ Ginger Mom & the Kindle Quest   Kathy @ Books & Munches   Lauren @ Bookgirl Secrets  
 Lindsey @ Lindsey Reads   Becky @ It's Story Time With Van Daniker   Sumedha  
 Emily @ Forever Literary   Megan @reading away the days   Lisa @ Hopewell's Public Library of LIfe  
 M | RAIN CITY READS   Sonia @ The Book Wielding Harpie   Kerr and Rachel @ Paein and Ms4Tunes' book blog  
 Bree @ 1girl2manybooks   Eve @ Functioning Insanity Reviews   Jill @ Days at Home  
 Jessica | ReadingwithJessica   Amy @ A Thousand Worlds   Holly @ Nut Free Nerd  
 Destiny @ Howling Libraries   Anna @ Read and Repeat   Dory @ FishThatReads  
 Casey @The Joyful Pen   Cassie @ Rants and Raves of a Bibliophile   Jackie's Forget Me Nots  
 Alysha   Sarah's Book Shelves   Anna @ Books of Teacups  
 M @ A Taste For Books   Emma Smith   Nicole @ Sorry, I'm Booked  
 Heather @ Gofita's Pages   Veronika @ The Regal Critiques   Lillian @ Mom with a Reading Problem  
 Annemieke @ A Dance with Books   Tracy @ Cornerfolds   Sophie @ Books Like Wolves  
 Cheryl @ The Book Connection   Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense   Tressa @ Wishful Endings  
 Laura@Library of Clean Reads   Mallory @ SheisBookish   Theresa @ The Calico Books  
 Alexandra @Milky Way of Books   Andrea @ Books for Muse   Carmen`s Reading Corner  
 Susie | Novel Visits   Loretta @ The Laughing Listener   Sophie @ Dreaming of Happy Endings  
 Louise @ BookMurmuration   Alecia @ The Staircase Reader   Kyla @ Kyla's Library  
 Erica @ The Broken Spine   Ruthsic @ YA on my Mind   Alyce @ The Bumbling Blogger  
 William @ Roads go ever ever on   Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books)   Kristin @ Kristin Kraves Books  
 Eli @ Eli's Novel Reviews   Laila@ Big Reading Life  

(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Top Ten New-To-Me Authors We Read In 2017

Just a reminder: Starting on January 16th Top Ten Tuesday will be moved to Jana's blog, That Artsy Reader Girl, as The Broke and the Bookish will be closing our doors (for now). 

Happy New Year! I (Jana) am so ready for 2018. This is going to be my year. I can feel it. :) Today's topic is new-to-me authors we discovered in 2017. Which authors did you discover last year? 

Jana's Picks

1. Katie Ruggle -- Her romantic suspense novels are amazing!

2. Jenn Bennett -- I read Alex, Approximately this year and it was so much fun! I can't wait to read more of her books.

3. Meagan Spooner -- Hunted was my first of her solo novels (I've read These Broken Stars that she wrote with Amie Kaufman), and I loved it a lot.

Jamie's Picks

4. Heidi Heilig -- I finally got around to reading Heidi's debut from 2016 and I super loved it and can't wait to read the sequel and what she's working on now! I also really love following her on twitter so just overall she's a fave of 2017!

5. Adam Silvera -- I read 2 of Adam's books this year (History Is All You Left Me & They Both Die At The End) and I am obsessed with his books! I've owned his debut since it came out and realllyyyy need to finally get to it!

Lauren's Picks

6. Gillian Flynn - I actually listened 3 of her novels in 2017... Dark Places, Gone Girl, and Sharp Objects. I think I listened to Sharp Objects first and instantly knew I had to get my hands on the others. Now I just wish there were more!

7. Mike Mullane - Granted, this guy is actually a retired astronaut, not a writer, but I really liked his book about his space life. He has a great sense of humor and showed who he really is in his book, flaws and all. If you’re in remotely interested in space flight, you’ll love his book Riding Rockets: The Outrageous Tales of a Space Shuttle Astronaut. 

8. Katherine Arden - I read her novel The Bear and the Nightingale months ago and I’m still thinking about it. It was just an amazing folklore tale that enthralled me! I can’t wait for the sequel!

Julia's Pick

9. Naomi Novik - I finally got around to reading Uprooted and it was so good! I only read a few books this year and this one would have been high on the list even if I read my wanted 50. I can't wait to explore more from Novik in the future! 

Daisy's Pick

10. Becky Albertalli: I finally got around to reading Simon Vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda and it was EVERYTHING!

Which new authors did you fall in love with in 2017?

To join, link up below with the URL to your blog POST (not your blog), your name and your email (which will remain hidden). Then bounce around the Linky!
 Rachelle @ Shell's Stories   Beachwood Farm Homeschool   Alyssa @ pucksandpaperbacks  
 Lisa Loves Literature   Kayla @ Bookish Whispers   Deb Nance at Readerbuzz  
 Amy @ Read What I Like   Sumedha @ the wordy habitat   Jackies4getmenots  
 Heather @Gofita's Pages   Nicole @ Reading Books With Coffee   jess @ conjuringbooks  
 Jessica @ A Cocoon of Books   Katie @ Read-at-Home Mom   Helia @ Rose Quartz Reads  
 Kristin @ Kristin Kraves Books   Cori's Mini Reviews   Eleanor @ On the Other Side of Reality  
 Cassie @ Rants and Raves of a Bibliophiler   Katie @ Fiction Aficionado   Lexie @Reading in the Wings  
 charlottebibliophile   Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog   Ashley @ The Rustic Reading Gal  
 Broc's Bookcase   Lillian @ Mom with a Reading Problem   Jo@bookloversblog  
 Bree @ 1girl2manybooks   H.P. @ Every Day Should Be Tuesday   Kat @ Kat's Corner Books  
 Emily + Tanaya @ Worlds of Words   Ina @ WeirdWordsWithin   Andrea @ Books for Muse  
 imyril @ there's always room for one more (X+1)   jessicabookworm   Emily @ Tumbling into Wonderland  
 Jenny @ The Books, The Art and Me   Christina @ You Book Me All Night Long   Tash @ Thoughts by Tash  
 Nicola Reads YA   Drew @ The Tattooed Book Geek   Liz @ Travel in Retrospect  
 Jordan @ Forever Lost in LIterature   Pippa @ thelittlebookowl   Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library  
 Jennifer @ Book Den   Jaime & Erin @ Fic Fare   Becky @ Christian Chick's Thoughts  
 Ericka   Nicole @ Boundless Bookaholic   Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse  
 Sara @ A Gingerly Review   Jessie @ Dwell in Possibility   Sarah's Book Shelves  
 Ambi@ Scaredy Engines End of Line Library   Lauren @ Always Me   Barb (boxermommyreads) @ Booker T's Farm  
 Susie | Novel Visits   My Book Views   Sam@WLABB  
 Amy @ A Thousand Worlds   Alison @Hardcovers & Heroines   Julie @ Whole Latte Ideas  
 Holly @ Nut Free Nerd   Utopia State of Mind   Lori @ Palmer's Page Turners  
 Bluestocking Bookworm   Kayla & Neko   Bridget @ Bridget & Books  
 Lena @ The Printed Girl   Raeleigh @ RaeleighReads   Faith  
 Jess @ Jessticulates   Tara @ Tales of a Book Addict   Louise @ Foxes & Fairy Tales  
 Henna @ Howling for Books   Holly @ The Fox's Hideaway   Marie @ Pages to Explore  
 Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books)   Crystal @ Ponderings of a Poet & Procrastinator   Savannah @ ReadingBifrost  
 Ashley @ BookishrealmReviews   Angel Erin's Book Obsession   Annette @ AKBookworm  
 the Story Enthusiast   Emma @ Words And Peace   Jennifer @ YA Book Nerd  
 Sarah @ Exploring All Genres   Alice @ A Reader's Fiction   Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies  
 Marie @ Book-Chatter   Monica   Ally @ Ally Writes Things  
 LiteraryFeline@Musings of a Bookish Kitty   Michelle @ Life Among the Pages   Jessica @ a GREAT read  
 Maggie @ The Caramel Files   Lisa @ Captivated Reader   Julia @ Owls Reads  
 Wendy @ Falconer's Library   Natasha @ Dreamland Book Blog   Raye @ The Tree Reader  
 Kei @ The Lovely Pages Reviews   Ashley @ Down The Book Hole   Carmen`s Reading Corner  
 Anna @ Books of Teacups   Valerie @ He Said Books or Me   Paula @ The Phantom Paragrapher  
 Lois @ My Midnight Musing   Jill @ Days at Home   Greg @ Book Haven  
 Jessica & Melissa @ Rambling of a Book Nerd   Annemieke @ A Dance with Books   Dani @ Perspective of a Writer  
 Kyla @ Kyla's Library   Mary Kate @ Sarcastic Scribblings   Sarah @ Sarah Withers Blogs  
 Kristin @ Lukten av trykksverte   Rissi @ Finding Wonderland   Sim @ Flipping Through the Pages  
 Long and Short Reviews   Quinn's Book Nook   Sheri @ TV Addicted Bookworm  
 Crafty Scribbles@ Rhapsody in Hue   Diana @ Little Miss Drama Queen   Candyce @ The Book Dutchesses  
 Cassi @ My Thoughts Lit   Zeee @ I Heart Romance & YA   Destiny @ Howling Libraries  
 As Told By Nella   Girl with her Head in a Book   Shaz @ Shaz Reads  
 Veronika @ The Regal Critiques   sprite @ Sprite Writes   Gabby @ 500 Books  
 Sonia @ Generación Papel   Louise@louiselovesbooks   Jackie B @ Death by Tsundoku  
 Dystopia Fantasy Reads   Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense   Kerr and Rachel @ Paein and Ms4Tunes' book blog  
 Tina @ As Told By Tina   Heather @ Feminism in Cold Storage   Helen @ She Reads Novels  
 Julie @Keep Calm With Books and Coffee   Stacy's Books   Carol (Reading Ladies Book Club)  
 Carrie @ Reading Is My SuperPower   Erica Mae @ Living a Hundred Lives   Sophie @ Books Like Wolves  
 Alyce @ The Bumbling Blogger   Amanda Holmes   Theresa @ The Calico Books  
 Cathy @ What Cathy Read Next   Charlie @ Girl of 1000 Wonders   Liza @ Quite the Novel Idea  
 Judith @chaininteraction   Ruthsic @ YA on my Mind   Lili @Lili's Blissful Pages  
 Mikky @ Nocturnal Predators Reviews   Kelly @ Kelly's Rambles   Anna @ Read and Repeat  
 Caitlin @ thebookshire   Jade @ BookMuffin   Beth @ Reading Every Night  
 There will be books   Ellen @ The Canon   Brittany @ Beauty and the Bean Boots  
 Mia @musicalbooks   Cheryl Malandrinos   Heather @ The Sassy Book Geek  
 Mallory @ SheisBookish   Sophie @ Dreaming of Happy Endings   Amy @ Curiouser and Curiouser  
 Lindsey @ Lindsey Reads   Cora @ Tea Party Princess   Rachel @ Obsessed With Fairy Tales  
 Kathy @ Books & Munches   Darlene @ Darlene's Book Nook   Lenoreo @Celebrity Readers  
 Beckie@ByTheBook   ThoughtStudent @ read.write.recollect   Hallie @ Book Loaner  
 Aurora @ Aurora Librialis   FantasyRaiders   Eli  
 Sarah @ Dragons & Zombies   Katie @Just Another Girl and Her Books   Trisha @ trishajennreads  
 Melissa @ Double-Stacked Bookshelves   Lakshmi @ Batgirl Writes   Amanda @ The Zen Leaf  
 Ashley @ What She’s Read   Sara @ Forever 17 Books   Chrystal @ Snowdrop Dreams  
 Suzanne @ The Bookish Libra   M | RAIN CITY READS   Islandgeekgirl @ Overflowing Bookshelves  
 Chrissi Reads   Tina @ Reading Between the Pages   Allison @ Good Books & Good Wine  
 Eve @ Functioning Insanity Reviews   Jorie @ Jorie Loves A Story   Kami's Library Thoughts  
 Courtney @ The Green Mockingbird   Amber @ YA Indulgences   Jackie @ Bookworm Cafe  
 Sarah E. @ Rocky Top Real Talk   I Believe in Pixie Dust   Jaime @ Books and Waffles  
 Elvira @ Världarna jag lever i   Lauren @ Bookgirl Secrets   Jolene @ Jo's Book Blog-Read What Makes YOU Happy  
 Angela @ Literary Wanderer   Louise @ Exploring by Starlight   Donna @ The Untitled Book Blog  
 Mandy @ The Reading Diaries   Maren @ The Worn Bookmark   Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic  
 Melissa's Bookworld   Chloe @ It's YA Girl  
 Emily @ Mixed Margins   Aj @ Read All The Things!  

(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Top Ten Books We're Looking Forward to In 2018

We here at The Broke and the Bookish hope you had a very lovely Christmas yesterday (if you celebrate), and that you made memories with your loved ones! 

Just a reminder: Starting on January 16th Top Ten Tuesday will be moved to Jana's blog, That Artsy Reader Girl, as The Broke and the Bookish will be closing our doors (for now). 

We've loved blogging together for the past 8.5 years, and we've loved getting to know our fellow bloggers through this feature. Thank you for your support and friendship. We'll all still be on social media and some of us have our own blogs, so you'll still see us shouting our love of books! We'll post a more official goodbye with links and social media handles so you know where to find us, but we thought we should get the word out as soon as possible so there is no confusion.

We've got just a few days left in 2017, and then we wipe the slate clean and start over again. Can you believe it!? What books are you looking forward to in 2018? We're sharing our choices today. :) 

Jamie's Picks

1. The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert -- definitely one of my most anticipated debuts

2. The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton -- I feel like I have been waiting for this book since it was announced!! NEEEEED!!

3. Save The Date by Morgan Matson -- Morgan Matson is one of my all time fave authors and I CANNOT WAIT!!!!

Julia's Picks

I haven't been following the new releases like I have in previous years... so I really just want ONE of these books to come out next year... or have an official date:

4. Doors of Stone by Patrick Rothfuss 

5. Winds of Winter by George RR Martin


Lauren's Picks

6. Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris: I loved the author’s other thrillers and I can’t wait to be on the edge of my seat reading this one!

7. Zero Day by Ezekiel Boone: This is the third book in a series about SPIDERS. Yeah. I’ve been bitten by a brown recluse spider a few times and once it was bad. As in my tissue started dying and had to be cut out. I don’t much care for spiders these days. So why am I reading about them? I have no clue. Except the plot has left me wanting more.

8. The Flight Attendant by Chris Bohjalian: I love this author’s novels, so this is just an automatic TBR for me.

Jana's Picks

9. The Girl He Used to Know by Tracey Garvis-Graves: I love Tracey, and I can't wait for this next book of hers!

10. Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson: It just sounds amazing, ok?

To join, link up below with the URL to your blog POST (not your blog), your name and your email (which will remain hidden). Then bounce around the Linky!
 Ashley @ Down The Book Hole   Catherine @GilmoreGuide to Books   Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies  
 Ruthsic @ YA on my Mind   Sumedha @ the wordy habitat   Chelsea @ romweasley  
 Theresa @ The Calico Books   Tara @ one more stamp   Julia @ Vivacious Reads  
 Lisa @ Reading, Writing, and Random Musings   Rachel @The Readers Den   Marissa @ Reading List  
 Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know   Pretty Deadly Reviews   Louise @ Foxes & Fairy Tales  
 Beth @ Reading Every Night   Nicole @ Nicole's Novel Reads   Anouk @ Timefortalesandtea  
 the Story Enthusiast   Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense   Beckie@ByTheBook  
 Bree @ 1girl2manybooks   Alyssa @ pucksandpaperbacks   herding cats  
 imyril @ there's always room for one more (X+1)   JoBeth @ Blue Binding   Gabby @ 500 Books  
 HeatherAnne@Words, words, words   Becky @ Christian Chick's Thoughts   Karen Collier  
 Melissa Talavera @ Rambling of a Book Nerd   Jackiesforgetmenots   Kayla & Neko  
 Michelle @ Life Among the Pages   Jennifer Powell   ThoughtStudent @ read.write.recollect  
 Amanda @ Literary Weaponry   Elena @ Book Lady's Reviews   Stephanie @ 300 Pages  
 Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books)   Amy @ Read What I Like   Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog  
 Laura @ That Librarian Lady   Erica Mae @ Living a Hundred Lives   Katie @ Fiction Aficionado  
 Nicole @ Reading Books With Coffee   Isabelle @ The Book Dutchesses   Christina @ You Book Me All Night Long  
 Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally   Jennifer @ YA Book Nerd   Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse  
 Jolien @ The Fictional Reader   Tangled N Books   Darlene @ Darlene's Book Nook  
 Stephen @ This Week at the Library   Susie | Novel Visits   Holly @ Nut Free Nerd  
 Judith @ Chaininteraction   Heather @ The Sassy Book Geek   Alexis @ P.S. Read this Book  
 Hallie @ Book Loaner   Carrie @ Reading Is My SuperPower   Lauren @ Lauren Carroll Reads and Writes  
 Girl with her Head in a Book   Emma @ Reading Through the Night   Shoto @ Bookish Babbles  
 Marie @ Book-Chatter   Calye @ Author Insights   Amanda @ The Zen Leaf  
 POP AND BOOKS   Destiny @ Howling Libraries   Vonze @ Vonze's Reader Blog  
 Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog   Kristin @ Lukten av trykksverte   Danya @ A Tapestry of Words  
 Crafty Scribbles@ Rhapsody in Hue   Kristen @ High Shelf Esteem   Barb (boxermommyreads) @ Booker T's Farm  
 Deb Nance at Readerbuzz   Andrea @ Books for Muse   chucklesthescot  
 Jessica @ NOVELcravings   Long and Short Reviews   Charley @ The Miss Charley  
 Tiffany @ The Bookish Thought   Arwen @ I Love A Good Book   Amy @ Curiouser and Curiouser  
 Anna @ Books of Teacups   Emma @ Awkwordly Emma   Cristina @ Girl in the Pages  
 Sarah E. @ Rocky Top Real Talk   Linda @ Three Good Rats   Katie @Just Another Girl and Her Books  
 Icebreaker   Monica @ Newbery and Beyond   Jo@bookloversblog  
 Amy @ A Thousand Worlds   Jessie @ Dwell in Possibility   Holly @ The Fox's Hideaway  
 sprite @ Sprite Writes   Ashley @ The Rustic Reading Gal   Suzanne @ The Bookish Libra  
 Nicole @ Boundless Bookaholic   Emily @ Mixed Margins   Bella @ Bella Blogs Because Books  
 Mandy @ The Reading Diaries   Megan @ The Hungry Bookworm   Kerr & Rachel @ paein and ms4tunes bookblog  
 Liz @ Travel in Retrospect   Pippa @ thelittlebookowl   Mia @musicalbooks  
 J Aislynn @ Port Jericho   Kay @ It's a Book Life   Emma @ Words And Peace  
 Jaime @ Books and Waffles   Ambi@ Scaredy Engines End of Line Library   Mallory @ SheIsBookish  
 Cathy @What Cathy Read Next   Helia @ Rose Quartz Reads   Esther @ BiteIntoBooks  
 Lexie @Reading in the Wings   Aj @ Read All The Things!   Sarah @ Exploring All Genres  
 Tânia @MyLovelySecret   Ericka   M | RAIN CITY READS  
 Reading Ladies Book Club   Jill @ Days at Home   Kim @ Words With Verity  
 Lindsay @ Lindsay’s Library   Melissa's Bookworld   There will be books  
 Jess @ Jessticulates   Lena @ The Printed Girl   Marie @ Pages to Explore  
 Rissi @ Finding Wonderland   Kristin @ Kristin Kraves Books   Annemieke @ A Dance with Books  
 Mervi   Nicola Reads YA   Mikky @ Nocturnal Predators Reviews  
 Lucie @ Wishes and Pages   Heather @ Feminism in Cold Storage   Cori's Mini Book Reviews  
 Sara @ A Gingerly Review   Bridget @ Bridget & Books   Kayla @ Bookish Whispers  
 Sarah's Book Shelves   Abigail Pearson   lorelai @ The Little Book Blog  
 Kathy @ Books & Munches   Marisa @ ghostgrrrl reads   Heather @ The Frozen Book Blog  
 charlottebibliophile   Greg @ Book Haven   Lauren @ Always me  
 Rachel @ Obsessed With Fairy Tales   FantasyRaiders   Nell @ MellowNell's book blog  
 Kyra Morris   Andi @ Andi's ABCs   Brittany @ Beauty and the Bean Boots  
 Maren @ The Worn Bookmark   Savannah @ ReadingBifrost   Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination  
 LA LA IN THE LIBRARY   lissa @ rainswept   Julia@pagesforthoughts  
 Leah @ leafd   Ruby @ Ruby's Books   Bella @ Ciao Bella  
 Julia @ Owls Reads   Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl   Trisha @ trishajennreads  
 Anna @ Reader and Proud   Georgina @ Daydreaming Roux   Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight  
 eli @ the (book) supplier   Lindsey @ Lindsey Reads   Rachelle @ Shell's Stories  
 Katie @ Read-at-Home Mom   Sionna   Melanie @ CBR  
 Melissa @ Writer Grrl Reads   fizah @books tales by me   Carmen`s Reading Corner  
 Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library   islandgeekgirl @ Overflowing Bookshelves   Sim @ Flipping Through the Pages  
 Ina @ WeirdWordsWithin   Chrissi Reads   Jessica | ReadingwithJessica  
 Susie | Novel Visits   AbyssalLibrarian  
 Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken   Marybeth  

(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Top Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings

Important News:

Hello everyone! Jamie here! Before we get to today's topic....I have some NEWS that is relevant to Top Ten Tuesday. We've been doing Top Ten Tuesday since we started this blog in June 2010 and it's such a special thing for me as my little baby of an idea that grew bigger than I could have ever imagined. We have decided that, as of January 9 after our last TTT topic, that The Broke and Bookish is going to be shutting down (at least for now). I was 24 when the ladies and I got together to start this blog and now I'm a 32 year old MARRIED LADY WITH A BABY and my own blog has even taken a different direction (though still heavy on the books). And it's not just me...we've all gotten busy and life has taken us in various directions as you have probably been able to tell with our sparse posts. It's sad but I'm so grateful for doing this with these ladies for all these years. We will have a more ~formal~ goodbye post with links to social media/blogs where you can find us if you want.

BUT DON'T PANIC. Top Ten Tuesday is not going away!! I'm going to hand over the reigns to our dear TBTB contributor, Jana, and she's going to host it on her blog, That Artsy Reader Girl! She has put up a schedule so you guys can still have the topics in advance past January 9th.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you thank you thank you to the people who decided to join in way back in 2010 which helped make this little idea of mine such a fun weekly blogging event and to everyone who jumped in after. I've had fun getting to know you and you've added like A MILLION books to my TBR. I love your passion and your enthusiasm and creativity and I can't wait to see where it goes when Jana takes over. It's so hard for me to let go something that has been a huge part of the past almost 8 years of my life but it's time...

We will try to make this move as smoothly as possible but could definitely use your help in spreading the word and being gentle with us as we make this change.  --- Jamie


Now, on to this week's Top Ten Tuesday topic! Christmas is less than a week away, so it's probably time to declare which books we hope Santa brings this year! 

Jamie's Picks

1. Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng: I've heard amazing things about this book and I need it nowwww.

2. What To Say Next by Julie Buxbaum: I loved Tell Me Three Things and I NEED her latest book!

Jana's Picks

3. My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella: I love Sophie, and I've heard awesome things about this new book of hers.

4. Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh: MULAN RETELLING that I want to read!!

5. The Valiant by Lesley Livingston: Gladiators!

6. Up to This Pointe by Jennifer Longo: People keep telling me to read this book about friends figuring their lives out.

7. Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier: I read Heart's Blood earlier this year and really loved it, so I want to jump into this series that everyone loves!

Lori's Picks

8. Julia’s Kitchen Wisdom by Julia Child: I just found this one today, but it sounds so cool! Child gives some base recipes and techniques and variations. It sounds like a great book for those with some kitchen experience who are looking for no recipe recipes.

9. The Vanity Fair Diaries by Tina Brown: I love reading successful women wrote their stories. This one is supposed to be gossipy and personal. I love the magazine, so I want to read some behind the scenes stuff!

10. The Joy of Cooking by Irma S. Brombauer: This is one of those seminal cookbooks that has a bit of everything and I need to add it to my collection! :)
To join, link up below with the URL to your blog POST (not your blog), your name and your email (which will remain hidden). Then bounce around the Linky!
 Ravishing Tales   Alyssa @ pucksandpaperbacks   Ali @ I Wuv Books  
 Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog   Stephanie @ 300 Pages   Elena @ Book Lady's Reviews  
 Liz @ Travel in Retrospect   Literary Feline @ Musings of a Bookish Kitty   Jessica @ a GREAT read  
 Pretty Deadly Reviews   Kristin @ Lukten av trykksverte   Mundie Moms  
 Chizurue   Reading Ladies: Books I'd love to get from Santa   Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic  
 Marissa @ Reading List   Erica @ Ink Spots and Roses   Julia @ Vivacious Reads  
 Amanda @ Literary Weaponry   Mallory @ SheisBookish   Loretta @ The Laughing Listener  
 Anna @ Read and Repeat   Bev Baird   Kerr and Rachel @ Paein and Ms4Tunes' book blog  
 Leah @leafd   Girl with her Head in a Book   FantasyRaiders  
 Jennifer   Geybie's Book Blog   Amy @ Curiouser and Curiouser  
 Savannah @ ReadingBifrost   Emily @ Mixed Margins   ThoughtStudent @ read.write.recollect  
 Aj @ Read All The Things!   Liza @ Quite the Novel Idea   Sam@WLABB  
 Sheena-kay @ QueendSheena   Michelle @ Life Among the Pages   Alexandra @Milky Way of Books  
 Tangled N Books   Katie @ Sherlockianbooklover   Kim @ Words With Verity  
 Ericka   Trisha @ trishajennreads   Sophie @ Books Like Wolves  
 Mia   Brittany @ Beauty and the Bean Boots   Lou @ BookMurmuration  
 Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Books   Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard   Lois @ My Midnight Musing  
 Mandy @ The Reading Diaries   Carrie @ Reading Is My SuperPower   ML's Red House Reviews  
 Maria @ A Book Geek   Lili @Lili's Blissful Pages   Amber @ Step Into A Book World  
 Kathy @ Books & Munches   Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives   Mikky @ Nocturnal Predators Reviews  
 Greg @ Book Haven   the Story Enthusiast   charlottebibliophile  
 Ariana @ The Quirky Book Nerd   Sara @ A Gingerly Review   Alex @ Booksy Daisy  
 Sarah L King   Julie @ Whole Latte Ideas   Lindsey @ Lindsey Reads  
 Kellee & Ricki at Unleashing Readers   Sumedha   Julia @ Owls Reads  
 Amber @ YA Indulgences   Beckie@ByTheBook   Trish @ Between My Lines  
 Annemieke @ A Dance with Books   Chloe @ It's YA Girl   Jaime & Erin @ Fic fare  
 Deb Nance at Readerbuzz   Louise @ Exploring by Starlight   Ashley @ Part Time Book Nerd  
 Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog   Jessica @ ever the crafter   M @ A Taste for Books  
 There will be books   Angie @ Read Sleep Repeat   Flavia @ Flavia the Bibliophile  
 Chelsea @ romweasley   Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense   Lianne @  
 Suzanne @ The Bookish Libra   Jolien (The Fictional Reader)   Monica  
 Lena @ The Printed Girl   Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse   Sarah @ Dragons & Zombies  
 Jess @ A Book Addict's Bookshelves   Anna @ Books of Teacups   Owl Always Be Reading  
 Ina @ WeirdWordsWithin   Sim @ Flipping Through the Pages   Taylor @NerdNarration  
 Charlie @ Girl of 1000 Wonders   Arwen @ I Love A Good Book   Chachic @ Chachic's Book Nook  
 CurlyGeek @ The Book Stop   Eve @ Functioning Insanity Reviews   Beth @ Reading Every Night  
 Jennifer @ YA Book Nerd   Maren @ The Worn Bookmark   Iris @ Hoard of Books  
 Kayla @ Bookish Whispers   Vonze @ Vonze's Reader Blog   Nicole @ Sorry, I'm Booked  
 CraftyScribbles   Lauren   Ambi@ Scaredy Engines End of Line Library  
 Kristi @ Hidden Staircase   Jessica @ A Cocoon of Books   Amy @ Read What I Like  
 Sarah @ Exploring All Genres   Meaghan Walsh Gerard   Cori's Mini Reviews  
 Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books)   Erica @ The Broken Spine   Alyssa @ AReader's Journey  
 Dani @ Perspective of a Writer   Nikki @The Night is Dark and Full of Books   Nicole @ Reading Books With Coffee  
 Ally @ Ally Writes Things   Tina @ Reading Between the Pages   Katy @ alibrarymama  
 Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits   Rissi @ Finding Wonderland   Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies  
 Cathy @ What Cathy Read Next   Jessica @ NOVELcravings   Tara @ one more stamp  
 Malanie Loves Fiction   Amanda @ The Zen Leaf   Theresa @ The Calico Books  
 Carolina Book Nook   Kristin @ Kristin Kraves Books   Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination  
 Cora @ Tea Party Princess   Savannah @ Playing in the Pages   Jess @ Jessticulates  
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